Sunday, April 26, 2020

New Dings

New ideas for air travel overhead indicator lights, in addition to fasten seat belt sign and no smoking - no snoring, put shoes back on, no manspreading, apply deodorant, please stow noisy babies
Ding ding!


  1. Gosh, the last one... I understand how it's supposed to be funny, but it just isn't.

    1. You're right, the door should've been close to properly contain the crying noise.

    2. actually all are supposed to be jokes ...because I shall assume author is not idiot and be serious about any of these

    3. As someone who literally just started reading the historical comics from 2011 and am still making my way through - there are quite a bunch of people who seem too serious in nature to appreciate comics, or are easily offended.

      They've all been great!

  2. Okay, I guess I'll just crush my own nuts, then.

  3. A light that indicates when cell phone usage is allowed would be quite useful, actually.

    1. When the seat belt light is off you can use your phone

  4. As someone who has struggled with enlarged tonsils and respiratory problems, I find the "No Snoring" sign to be insensitive. I don't choose to snore.

    1. It's true snoring isn't a voluntary action. Neither is my sleep-deprived brain's urge to throttle the person who's snoring next to me...

      (I would like to add that I am joking. This cartoon depicts things that people find annoying, even when they are well beyond the other person's control. We know full well people are not deliberately snoring or urging their babies to cry their lungs out... Nevertheless, these things can be out-of-proportion irritating if you happen to be a tired mess at the time. I think it is a fun cartoon.)
