Sunday, September 24, 2017

Offensive Celebration

When you're excited to read newspaper headlines in a new language


No matter the context!


  1. ok but this is actually how i respond haha. currently learning swedish so yep definetly get this

    1. Me too! I follow a lot of daily fact Instagram pages in Swedish and squeal when I Understand them ��

  2. Hahaha! I just shared this with colleagues in my Stockholm office. They laugh at me as I try to understand Swedish! (Which is always an #epicfailure!) Hilarious!

  3. Swedish should be the easiest language to learn for native English speakers; the languages are so closely related. Swedish is easy to learn even for us Finns, whose language is not related at all.

    1. Easy to learn, well ... if "jag tala inte svenska" counts also swedish is scandinavian language group aka easy to learn for example norwegian. For Finnish person easiest language to learn is estonia as its quite close to finnish language, but english is relatively easy through need in age of internet.

      would say without any need to ever use swedish, its one language that can safely ignored

  4. Malachi thanks for doing the AMA and bringing my small idea to life!

    It's 50 million times better than I could have ever hoped for :)
