Sunday, May 28, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Just Do It

I listened to your feedback about the text last week, so I'm trying something new. The vast majority of comics out there use text in ALL CAPS, simply because it's easier on the eyes. I always wanted to phase into that eventually anyway, so here's a first try. I think it's a little thick and large, but much easier to read than last week, wouldn't you say?
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Same Same But Different

With your incredible support through Patreon, I was able to save up and buy an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil. It's freakin' amazing to use for drawing! This is the first comic I made with it, and I think it turned out okay. I'm still getting used to it and I'm sure I'll get better as I go (feedback welcome!). But I know this will be game-changing for the future. So thank you very much, patrons!
Another fun feature of the iPad is the ability to save videos of my drawing as I create it. It's a fun insight into my process, if that interests you at all. But of course I'm saving those as a reward for my patrons! So if you want to see how this and future comics are made, support Itchy Feet on Patreon!