Sunday, April 15, 2012


inshallah is a powerful phrase

It's a useful phrase. A useful, infuriating phrase.


  1. Haha this is great! Not such a bad life, I should make the reverse one for LA: "man I don't want to do anything today" "Huh, well that's too bad, nice weather demands productivity!" 19 hours later "Whew I'm pooped! Maybe I can relax a little tomorrow!" "Unlikely, it's going to be sunny and gentle all week!"

  2. Ha! That's great.

    Reminds me of Susegar, a Konkanim word meaning loosely take it easy, move slow, relax.

    ask your mom. :)

    1. That word is equal to the Portuguese "sossegar" = calm down, quiet down, relax.
      Konkani is spoken in Goa, and the Portuguese were there a long time.
      Obviously a loanword. From who to whom, I don't know.

    2. The word has a Latin root (hence, Spanish "sosegar"), coming from the verb "sedeo"... which makes it funny and quite circular, because the Indo-European root for the word (*sed- = to sit) produced a number of cognates that sound almost the same, like the *sanscrit* "सीदति (sīdati)... which is quite not like "sossegar" at all :D

  3. Inshallah = oxalá (PT) = ojalá (SP)

    1. Also God willing and all its translations:

  4. I am a Muslim from Indonesia and I have to admit that this is happened also in our country. Everybody says "Insha Allah", the meaning is "If God willing/if God give me the chance" but often the intention of the one who say "Insha Allah" is like, "Well, it's rude for me to say no to your offer, but I don't see it interesting, so, I just say Insha Allah and if I can't do that, I won't do that to be honest, I will blame God simply"

    1. I can believe it! It's great to use on OTHER people, of course, but when it gets used on YOU it's no fun!

  5. Cool...but why the personification of god??
